Proud To Welcome Patients With Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) Coverage

Patient Information

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Welcome To Niagara Peninsula Oral Surgery

Prior to your visit we ask kindly for two forms to be filled out. The first, is a Personal Information Form PDF and the second is a Medical History Form PDF. You can download and print them prior to your visit or fill them out at the office.


Your family dentist will refer you to one of our three offices and receive an appointment. They will complete a referral note and forward any relevant radiographs. Someone from our reception team will call you prior to your appointment to review all instructions and confirm the date and time. We look forward to meeting you.

What To Expect On Your First Visit

Niagara Peninsula Oral Surgery strives to deliver the best care at most reasonable cost to our patients.

The first appointment is usually a consultation appointment. We will first review with you our privacy and financial policies, and also make sure that your contact information is correct. It is important to bring a government-issued ID (driver's license, Health Card, passport) with you.

Our administration staff will go through you medical history, review your medications, and obtain contact information for any medical or dental specialists that you may have seen in the past, and that we may need to contact for further information. If necessary, please bring a list of your medical conditions, any medications that you take, and of your doctors.

You will see the oral surgeon who will review the x-rays that you bring or that have been sent by your dentist. We will take any new x-rays that are necessary. During the consultation, the oral surgeon will discuss treatment options with you. Please bring a list of any questions you may have, so that we can be sure to answer them all for you.

In some cases, treatment may be performed at your first appointment. However, a second treatment visit is usually required because of sedation and anesthesia, a significant amount of time, or complex or large treatments have been scheduled. A second visit allows us to give enough time for your treatment, or to have any necessary equipment and materials ready for you.

Financial Policy

Our fees are based on the current surgical fee guides for specialists produced by the Ontario Dental Association, they will be different from that of your family dentist.

For those patients who have private dental insurance, the appropriate dental forms will be completed and submitted by our staff. We will either give you the forms to submit manually or we will submit them to your insurance electronically on your behalf.

With your signed permission we will submit your claim to have your benefits reimburse and pay our office directly. Be aware that your insurance company may not cover the entire balance of your bill. You are responsible to pay any outstanding balances at the time of your appointment. A predetermination for future treatment will be given to you at your consultation. We will also submit an estimate on your behalf – Please bring any documentation with you to your surgical appointment as we do not have access to your private insurance.

Payment is due at the time of service is rendered. For your convenience we accept E-Transfer, Debit, Visa, MasterCard or Cash.

We are happy to discuss our financial policies with you at any time, and to assist you in any way that we can.

Please contact us if you have any questions

Contact any of our offices and we'll be happy to assist you.